Category: Astrophotography
Geminid meteor shower, December 2023 I took this picture at my favorite observing spot in Muskoka, 2 hours north of Toronto – not quite enough to escape the…
This picture is a composite of many meteors captured over several hours. It is clear how all the meteors originate from the same point in the sky in…
The two really bright stars are part of Orion’s belt. The third star in the belt is out of the frame
I’m surprised how well this one turned out using just a normal DSLR camera attached to the telescope, without specialized astrophotographic filters. #NoFilter As such, it’s a true-color…
The rainbow colors in the top right aren’t actually part of the nebula! It was a humid evening, so the fog rising over a nearby lake created a…
Pictures of theĀ VeilĀ Nebula don’t tend to do justice to the breathtaking field of stars in which it resides, so I wanted to give equal prominence to the nebula…
Our closest neighbours in the Local Group of galaxies, but still an incredible 2-3 million light-years away
About 30 minutes after the stunning auroral display in the previous post, we were treated to the best possible encore as STEVE appeared directly overhead, accompanied by a…
We were lucky enough to catch this show soon after dark while kayak camping on Philip Edward Island near Killarney, Ontario. The beauty of crown land camping is…
I was intrigued to discover this mysterious red skyglow show up in my camera, which wasn’t visible to the naked eye. Since it happened about 30 minutes before…
Bonus: 4 years of my progress in astrophotography
Taken at my favorite observing spot in Muskoka, Ontario. This is as close as it gets to actually being there!
In the second picture, the comet flows like sand from the bowl of the Big Dipper. Some red skyglow (due to mild auroral activity) can also be seen…
The crescent moon and Venus (which itself is a thin crescent) rise together in the predawn sky. This is the origin of the star and crescent symbol of…
Globular clusters are spherical collections of hundreds of thousands of ancient stars orbiting the Milky Way. Around 13 billion years in age, they are almost as old as…
The Trifid and Lagoon Nebulas are large, bright, and complex targets in a rich field in the summer milky way. Each consists of emission, reflection, and dark nebula…
This picture was featured as Photo of the Week in SkyNews magazine
Both are spiral galaxies similar to our Milky Way, but are 20 or 30 million light years away from us. The first is the Pinwheel Galaxy, and the…
The moon hangs like a lantern from a tree branch
The moon’s brightness is reduced so to such an extent that stars are visible in the same exposure.